Frequently Asked Questions:
FAQ - Before Using; Do I need to prepare myself for floating?
The things you should know are:
a) Do not shave 2 or 3 hours before using the tank, as the shaved skin will sting in the tank salt solution.
b) If you wear contact lenses, it would be a problem if any salt water got into your eyes. We recommend removing your contacts or wearing the optional googles we have available.
c) If you have caffeine before you float, it may interfere with your ability to relax.
d) We recommend not floating within 7-10 days of any hair dye treatment or tanning spray/lotion application.
e) Please brush/comb hair out before arriving, you will be showering before and after the Float.
Should I eat before I go into the tank?
You can eat. If you eat a very heavy meal you may spend a lot of time listening to your digestive juices. And, on the other hand, if you get very hungry you may spend a lot of time listening to your digestive juices. Moderation works.
FAQ – Physical Concerns; What effect does salt water have on my skin and hair?
The Epsom salt solution seems to be beneficial to the skin. We have listened to some opinions that say epsom salt is very good for strengthening the hair. We know it’s good for roses, why not hair? You thoroughly rinse the salt from your hair and body when you leave the tank.
Can You Wear a Bathing Cap?
Yes, you can wear one, but it won’t keep your hair dry. It would need to be too tight around your head to keep your hair dry.
Do you wear anything in the tank?
Since it is a private experience, most people don’t wear anything. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a distraction. In this regard imagine it as similar to getting into your bathtub.
Do people sleep in the tank?
Yes, some people fall asleep in the tank, and some people use the tank for sleeping.
Will I float? I can’t float anywhere.
Yes. It is impossible not to float in the tank. Eight hundred pounds of salt dissolved in the water make the solution so much denser than your body that your body is pushed to the surface like a cork. Your face is out of the solution and your ears are underwater.
Can people drown in the tank?
No. Not unless they lay face down in it, and are capable of tolerating the sting of the salt on the eyes, nose and mouth.
Could you get electrocuted?
What if I’m claustrophobic?
People who say that they are afraid to use the tank because they are claustrophobic probably assume that they will be confined to an enclosed space. However, you can use the tank with the door open if you wish. You are in control of the situation and can get in and out when ever you want. You should use it in the way it’s comfortable for you. The tank is such an excellent place to go through claustrophobia that if you want to get rid of yours, it is probably the best place to do it.
Is it dangerous to sleep in the tank?
No, It is safe to sleep in the tank. The reason people think it may be dangerous is probably the fear of rolling over. Even those people who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, sleep on their backs in the tank. It is very difficult to roll over in the tank because of the density of the solution, and if any of the salt solution gets in your eyes, mouth or nose, it is an immediate signal that something must be done.You would wake up immediately.
Is there enough air in the tank?
Yes. The tank is designed not to be airtight, so there is a plentiful air supply. In addition, fresh air is brought in by an air circulation system.
Can two people float in the tank at the same time?
We don’t recommend it. Floating in the tank is intended to be a private, individual experience.
FAQ – Who Can Use; Is there a typical tank user?
Not that we know of. People of all ages and walks of life seem to enjoy the experience equally. What seems typical is how good everyone looks when they come out of the tank.
Is anyone not supposed to use the tank?
We don’t recommend tank use for epileptics whose epilepsy is not under medical control; for people under the influence of alcohol, drugs, those with infectious diseases, open skin wounds, or those with suicidal tendencies.
Can pregnant women use the tank?
Yes. We suggest that pregnant women inform their physicians or midwives and get their opinion prior to using the tank. The reports received from pregnant women have been enthusiastic. As their bodies get heavier, floating is a great relief from the pull of gravity. Floating has given many women a welcome rest.
Can I use the tank if I’m menstruating?
Yes, if you use a tampon.
Do children use the tank? What is their response?
Yes, we know that children use the tank and we don’t know much about their responses. A 7 1/2 year old came to a public center with his mother. He listened to the orientation she was receiving. When he heard about the fears, he said he was very afraid of the dark. Later, when he used the tank, he was asked about the fear of the dark. He said that was a different dark. Night time dark was scary and full of dragons, and the dark of the tank was friendly and nice. (NOTE: We require a parent/adult supervise or be available in the Spa while children are floating)
FAQ – The Nature of a Float
What will it be like for me?
We don’t know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. The most common reports are profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank, so that they aren’t influenced by what someone else says. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, it will be different each time.
Do I need to float more than once?
Yes, if you want to make use of the potential. For us floating is not a finite experience. It touches the infinite. Most people, but not all, get a sense of what floating will be like after they float 3 to 5 times. Those who see the potential the first time, want to return again and again.
Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?
Yes. And it may be good to arrange your time so you don’t have to rush. Many people enjoy savoring the peace and quiet before jumping into something hectic.
Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?
Yes. There seems to be a cumulative effect with consistent use of the tank. This is not documented by research, it is the tank users who know it is true. Relaxation is a learned art that needs practice.
Is this sensory deprivation?
The term “sensory deprivation” describes areas of scientific research that consider the effects of reduced environmental stimulation. The words are an unfortunate choice for those of us who are presenting the floating experience as something pleasant, attractive and relaxing. We notice that people run away from us when they hear the possibility of any form of deprivation. As a result we are careful to point out that the senses are fully operational and in fact, the senses are very pleased to be relieved from the prevalent atmosphere of sensory overload. Stimulus/Sensory reduction is an accurate description of the tank environment.
The things you should know are:
a) Do not shave 2 or 3 hours before using the tank, as the shaved skin will sting in the tank salt solution.
b) If you wear contact lenses, it would be a problem if any salt water got into your eyes. We recommend removing your contacts or wearing the optional googles we have available.
c) If you have caffeine before you float, it may interfere with your ability to relax.
d) We recommend not floating within 7-10 days of any hair dye treatment or tanning spray/lotion application.
e) Please brush/comb hair out before arriving, you will be showering before and after the Float.
Should I eat before I go into the tank?
You can eat. If you eat a very heavy meal you may spend a lot of time listening to your digestive juices. And, on the other hand, if you get very hungry you may spend a lot of time listening to your digestive juices. Moderation works.
FAQ – Physical Concerns; What effect does salt water have on my skin and hair?
The Epsom salt solution seems to be beneficial to the skin. We have listened to some opinions that say epsom salt is very good for strengthening the hair. We know it’s good for roses, why not hair? You thoroughly rinse the salt from your hair and body when you leave the tank.
Can You Wear a Bathing Cap?
Yes, you can wear one, but it won’t keep your hair dry. It would need to be too tight around your head to keep your hair dry.
Do you wear anything in the tank?
Since it is a private experience, most people don’t wear anything. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a distraction. In this regard imagine it as similar to getting into your bathtub.
Do people sleep in the tank?
Yes, some people fall asleep in the tank, and some people use the tank for sleeping.
Will I float? I can’t float anywhere.
Yes. It is impossible not to float in the tank. Eight hundred pounds of salt dissolved in the water make the solution so much denser than your body that your body is pushed to the surface like a cork. Your face is out of the solution and your ears are underwater.
Can people drown in the tank?
No. Not unless they lay face down in it, and are capable of tolerating the sting of the salt on the eyes, nose and mouth.
Could you get electrocuted?
What if I’m claustrophobic?
People who say that they are afraid to use the tank because they are claustrophobic probably assume that they will be confined to an enclosed space. However, you can use the tank with the door open if you wish. You are in control of the situation and can get in and out when ever you want. You should use it in the way it’s comfortable for you. The tank is such an excellent place to go through claustrophobia that if you want to get rid of yours, it is probably the best place to do it.
Is it dangerous to sleep in the tank?
No, It is safe to sleep in the tank. The reason people think it may be dangerous is probably the fear of rolling over. Even those people who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, sleep on their backs in the tank. It is very difficult to roll over in the tank because of the density of the solution, and if any of the salt solution gets in your eyes, mouth or nose, it is an immediate signal that something must be done.You would wake up immediately.
Is there enough air in the tank?
Yes. The tank is designed not to be airtight, so there is a plentiful air supply. In addition, fresh air is brought in by an air circulation system.
Can two people float in the tank at the same time?
We don’t recommend it. Floating in the tank is intended to be a private, individual experience.
FAQ – Who Can Use; Is there a typical tank user?
Not that we know of. People of all ages and walks of life seem to enjoy the experience equally. What seems typical is how good everyone looks when they come out of the tank.
Is anyone not supposed to use the tank?
We don’t recommend tank use for epileptics whose epilepsy is not under medical control; for people under the influence of alcohol, drugs, those with infectious diseases, open skin wounds, or those with suicidal tendencies.
Can pregnant women use the tank?
Yes. We suggest that pregnant women inform their physicians or midwives and get their opinion prior to using the tank. The reports received from pregnant women have been enthusiastic. As their bodies get heavier, floating is a great relief from the pull of gravity. Floating has given many women a welcome rest.
Can I use the tank if I’m menstruating?
Yes, if you use a tampon.
Do children use the tank? What is their response?
Yes, we know that children use the tank and we don’t know much about their responses. A 7 1/2 year old came to a public center with his mother. He listened to the orientation she was receiving. When he heard about the fears, he said he was very afraid of the dark. Later, when he used the tank, he was asked about the fear of the dark. He said that was a different dark. Night time dark was scary and full of dragons, and the dark of the tank was friendly and nice. (NOTE: We require a parent/adult supervise or be available in the Spa while children are floating)
FAQ – The Nature of a Float
What will it be like for me?
We don’t know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. The most common reports are profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank, so that they aren’t influenced by what someone else says. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, it will be different each time.
Do I need to float more than once?
Yes, if you want to make use of the potential. For us floating is not a finite experience. It touches the infinite. Most people, but not all, get a sense of what floating will be like after they float 3 to 5 times. Those who see the potential the first time, want to return again and again.
Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?
Yes. And it may be good to arrange your time so you don’t have to rush. Many people enjoy savoring the peace and quiet before jumping into something hectic.
Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?
Yes. There seems to be a cumulative effect with consistent use of the tank. This is not documented by research, it is the tank users who know it is true. Relaxation is a learned art that needs practice.
Is this sensory deprivation?
The term “sensory deprivation” describes areas of scientific research that consider the effects of reduced environmental stimulation. The words are an unfortunate choice for those of us who are presenting the floating experience as something pleasant, attractive and relaxing. We notice that people run away from us when they hear the possibility of any form of deprivation. As a result we are careful to point out that the senses are fully operational and in fact, the senses are very pleased to be relieved from the prevalent atmosphere of sensory overload. Stimulus/Sensory reduction is an accurate description of the tank environment.